Beginning the New Year with Hope

            The beginning of a New Year seems to bring renewal and hopes of better things to come for most of us.  We make resolutions to quit bad habits, lose weight, be a better and healthier person, and so on.
            Many of us fail miserably within the first few weeks or months, but we still, at the beginning of the next year, find that hope to do better.  Why?  Because every one of us knows we can do better if we try.  We have a driving desire to do why do we fail if it is a driving desire?
            Some of us tend to take on a bigger goal than is reachable and set ourselves up for failure.  I am totally guilty of this.  I strive toward my goal with 110% of my being, then I fizzle out when I don't see results quickly.  There is an easy fix to this one...don't set such a high goal!  Take baby steps, and celebrate each smaller goal.  Each time you reach your smaller goal, set a little bit higher one.  You don't have to wait until another New Year to change your goal, and you don't need to set yourself up for failure, (which, by the way, leads to depression and anxiety).
            Some of us set goals that involve other people...that never works out well.  You have no control over other people, you can not change people, don't even waste your energy trying.  You have to accept people for the way they are.  
            Some goals that we set are reachable, but we tend to slack off during moments of weakness.  This would be a good time to have someone with the same goal to help each other along.  Joining a group of like minded people, or just having one close friend, could make the difference in reaching your goals. 
            Don't set your goals according to someone else.  You are uniquely "YOU".   Different people set goals of what they hope to accomplish this year, and you should truly wish them the best of luck.  But only you know what you are capable of, what kind of everyday stresses you have to deal with, and what your strengths and weaknesses are.  You have to plan accordingly to your situation, not try to keep up with anyone else.
            Make your goals fun.  Reward yourself for the small victories and don't beat yourself up for small failures...try again!  Instead of locking yourself into a year long goal, break it down by the month or even by the week.  Whatever works best for you is what you need to do.
            One smaller step at a time in the direction of becoming a better, healthier, happier you, should be the goal.  If everyone became just a little better, just think of how much better the world would be.
            Last little word of encouragement, do something to make someone else feel better everyday.  This could be as simple as holding a door open for someone, or saying something kind to someone.  It will make them feel better while definitely making you feel better about yourself.  
