
Showing posts from January, 2021
           Beginning the New Year with Hope               The beginning of a New Year seems to bring renewal and hopes of better things to come for most of us.  We make resolutions to quit bad habits, lose weight, be a better and healthier person, and so on.               Many of us fail miserably within the first few weeks or months, but we still, at the beginning of the next year, find that hope to do better.  Why?  Because every one of us knows we can do better if we try.  We have a driving desire to do why do we fail if it is a driving desire?               Some of us tend to take on a bigger goal than is reachable and set ourselves up for failure.  I am totally guilty of this.  I strive toward my goal with 110% of my being, then I fizzle out when I don't see results quickly.  There is an easy fix to this one...don't set such a high goal!  Take baby steps, and celebrate each smaller goal.  Each time you reach your smaller goal, set a little bit higher one.  You